Treat every child like a unique individual.

– Rudolf Steiner

The search for THE perfect daycare for my first baby was an obstacle course given the lack of alternatives and choices that were offered to us more than 10 years ago. 

While all the educational books constantly told us that EVERYTHING IS PLAYED BEFORE 6 years, and that the first years of the life of our toddlers will condition its future and its social, emotional, intellectual, and creative development; We, the parents, were obliged to reserve the only places then available, regardless of the values and educational program conveyed by the daycare in question. 

It was as a result of this void in which I found myself, that the idea of the Daycare germinated in my mind; To allow my children and other parents wishing to let their child live his early childhood in the respect of his being, to have a place dedicated only to the development of babies and toddlers. This idea became the Griffin Daycare – Kindergarten, under the aegis of Griffon, protector of the Treasure of the Gods, and by extension, protector of our children.  And, at the same time, it seemed obvious to me to restore its old letters of nobility to the term “Kindergarten” which represents nothing other than pre-kindergarten, but with a more childish and less academic connotation. Because early childhood education must be and remain a garden, a pleasure, a haven of peace and happiness.

The daycare is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary!


What makes a child become more introverted, more violent or more difficult? Why are we seeing increasing numbers of hyperactive children? And are they really hyperactive or has our society forgotten that a child is by definition hyperactive. Everything that was once considered normal has become abnormal these days: a child who runs around in a restaurant is poorly raised; a child who throws a tantrum in a store is spoiled; a child who does not listen to what he is told is difficult … the list goes on. All of these behaviours are a perfectly normal part of childhood and are just a means for children to express themselves. However, “our negative interpretations of such actions” do not encourage children to grow up peacefully, while respecting themselves and their personalities. Furthermore, the effects of society’s demands on our children can be devastating for them in the future (poorly controlled anger, addiction problems, dropping out of school, hanging out with the wrong crowd, etc.).

It is after coming to this realization that we became interested in teaching methods that put children at the centre of their own education and advocate that it be adapted to their natural development. Logically, we also wanted to restore the “preschool” period (also called “kindergarten” in certain countries) to its former glory by calling our daycare “Jardin d’Enfant,” a name that truly evokes a peaceful environment in which our children can thrive.  


Our daycare is a loving, fun and playful environment of discovery and learning where infants, toddlers and young children alike are our main priority.

Daycare Space

The Griffin – Jardin d’Enfant daycare is located at the heart of Griffintown, a short five minutes away from both the Lachine canal and downtown Montreal. Almost 8,200 square feet of ground floor space have been converted into five very spacious play rooms and a multipurpose room ready to welcome your children, in addition to two outdoor courtyards. The entire space has been designed with your child in mind – a comfortable environment and only the best of conditions for him or her to grow, play, learn, discover, and create. 

Our infants are spoiled with an immense indoor space conducive to the development of their motor skills, and a covered outdoor courtyard reserved for their use only. Two additional rooms are set aside for napping to promote a quiet resting environment. 

The two intermediate groups each have a large play space, one which is adjacent to the outdoor courtyard, and the other, to the multipurpose room. These areas are dedicated to organized activities that we hope our children will take full advantage of, and … just running wild!

The two Jardin d’Enfant groups are located in two very large adjoined rooms. This promotes exchange, stimulation and team games.

The children in these groups also have access to the outdoor courtyard and the Herb-Trawick city park, a mere 500 metres away, as often as they want and time-permitting. The park, which will be reopening soon, has motor skill-developing jungle gyms and a large playground where children can run their hearts out. 


Contact us now to schedule a visit to the Daycare and meet our team.