La Tornade

24 – 36 months

Those who are confident in themselves come, see and conquer. – Ahad Ha’am

This is a transitional space: Every child who arrives in this classroom will be viewed on an even more individual basis. This class has no age restrictions or criteria. Everything will depend on the child’s behaviour, his interests and his overall development. Our objective at this stage of transition is to accompany the child in his personal journey. 

Your child has made an enormous amount of accomplishments, he is proud of himself, has gained control of his space, his body, has started to speak, has a variety of interests, asks countless questions, and is curious about everything. 

Now that he has mastered the “me,” he will focus on what is going on around him. This is another fundamental stage in his development. The self-confidence he has acquired will allow him to experience new things that test his motor skills and intellectual skills. He will climb higher, want to try new sports and increasingly complex puzzles, want to learn to write his name, his drawing will become more and more accurate, etc.

This is a calm moment for parents. Their infant, who has become a small little man or small little lady is now capable of concentrating and applying him/herself. In this class, we will begin to draw forms, trace over lines … the necessary building blocks that lead to writing. Painting, colouring, drawing and manual crafts are activities that children flock to with pleasure. They allow them to develop their manual skills, acquire the dexterity necessary for writing, and fully express their feelings and emotions.

With curiosity at its peak, your child will want to learn to “read,” count, get dressed on his own, learn to use the toilet, watch what his early childhood educators do and want to take part. His unbridled energy, without disappearing, will alternate with moments of reflection and tranquility. Everything is possible for a child at this age. There are no limits. His imagination is endless, he has an imaginary friend, an imaginary life. This escape mechanism is necessary for his self-fulfillment and the development of his emotional intelligence. Such creativity and overflowing imagination will be encouraged in our classroom with storytime, afternoon costume sessions and mini-theatrical productions that come straight out of their imaginations. The self-confidence they previously acquired will allow them to pursue their needs and desires, and develop their emotional intelligence and intellect. 

The Educators



The classroom